I'm back! I have lots to update about, but I want to post this first.:)
Favorite Makeup: Concealer. Pregnancy made my under eye circles worse and all I really tried to do was not look like I got punched in the eyes, lol.
Favorite Book:I read so many good books this year. I can't choose just one (who can?), so top five (ok, so it's really seven. Whatever):
Skipping a Beat-Sarah Pekkanen
The Opposite of Love-Julie Buxbaum
Girl in Translation-Jean Kwok
Night-Elie Wiesel
Favorite Song/Album: Don't judge me, lol.
Favorite Movie: I
don’t watch a lot of movies (and I don't even remember all of them), but I have to choose Fast and Furious 6. I don't want to spoil it, but let me just say: Letty and Dom!
One thing you're
grateful for: My family. My kids and boyfriend are the best.♥
Greatest Challenge: 2013 was actually a really good year for me. Yeah, there were moments when I freaked out, but overall life was good. :)