Reading; The Turk and my Mother. Technically, I have yet to begin this book. I’ll get to it…eventually.
Watching; Ugly Betty (via Netflix) with my oldest child. I probably won’t be getting any Mother-of-the-Year awards for letting my 11 year old stay up until 2 am, but I am getting some awesome memories. I’m also watching Rosa Diamante (via Telemundo), Teen Mom (Is it sad that I’m going to miss this?), and (when I have the time) old movies on TCM.
Anticipating; Going back to school. Funny, since I kind of just complained about it, lol. This will be my last undergrad semester and I am soo excited! Also, all of the kids will be going to school, so until I find a job I’ll have so much free time.
Listening to; Pandora. I like to put in on shuffle that way I get English and Spanish music and, since I never know what’s coming next, every song is like a surprise! (Ha, I am such a dork). I’ve also been listening to Rilo Kiley A LOT.
Planning; Away to make this summer not suck. We'll see how that goes.
Working on; Exercising and organizing my home. I hate working out, but I have a goal to reach by my b-day (October 3rd), so I am really forcing myself to keep at it. As far as organizing goes…yeah, let’s not.
Wishing; I could be at the beach! I love the beach and one day, when my kids are grown and I retire, I am totally moving to Mexico and buying a beach house.
P.P.S: I totes copied this post from Liz.
I am right there with you on the beach...waves crashing, pina colada and a man buff shirtless man servant catering to my needs...and maybe those of my husband as well.